Thursday, January 19, 2006

POLL: Top 10 Songs of the Poker Room

We'd like to hear from you! Post your entries on your favorite tunes when playing poker. We will tally your votes along with our personal choices and make a top ten list in one of our shows. Please leave your name so we can acknowledge you on air! :D Thank you for tuning in to UBE Radio!

-The Camp


At 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Should Be So Lucky - Kylie Minogue
(Just imagine she's talking about poker) hahahahhaha!

At 10:30 PM, Blogger boy of destiny said...

haha that's a good one niki. i think my song is Call Me by Blondie. :)

At 3:59 PM, Blogger boy of destiny said...

hahaha nice song. good to see you around fapa! :) thanks for posting.

At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ace of Spades by Motorhead, might cause a few fights over bad beats though hehe

At 8:41 PM, Blogger boy of destiny said...

just bumping this post up, we want as much votes in as possible to make the show more interactive. :D

At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holidae Inn - Chingy, would have to be my favourite.

Anything 80's just to hear Mike and Mischa singing along (oh how we miss those state of mind days!)

Of course the following should be noted:

The Gambler - Kenny Rogers. An obvious classic!

R-E-S-P-E-C-T - Aretha Franklin

That Was a Crazy Game of Poker - O.A.R. (Of a Revolution)

Poker Face - Swollen Members (warning...naughty words!)

Cheers to Camp and UBE Radio!

At 8:29 PM, Blogger boy of destiny said...

Here's my playlist for poker:

TNT, Big Gun - AC lighting bolt DC
River Of Dreams - Billy Joel
Call Me - Blondie
Old Time Rock 'n Roll - Bob Seger
Livin' on a Prayer, Blaze of Glory - Bon Jovi
Under Pressure - David Bowie and Queen
Take Me Out, Do You Want To - Franz Ferdinand
I've Got My Mind Set On You (but it's gna take some money, a whole lot of spending money... hehehe)- George Harrison
The Heat is On - Glenn Frey
Patience - Guns 'n Roses
Highway to the Dangerzone - Kenny Loggins
The Gambler - Kenny Rogers
That Was A Crazy Game of Poker - OAR (thanks barb, love this song and kenny roger's the gambler)
Magic Carpet Ride, Born to Be Wild, American Woman - Steppenwolf
Panama, Right Now, Top Gun Theme - Van Halen

At 12:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the top gun theme is not from van halen. Most people say it was done by Joe Satriani.

My list includes:
hall and oates
Any AC/DC song - (from the BBC, told
you that place was gansta)
Im the Only Gay Eskimo, WOnderboy, Tribute - Tenacious D
Any Carpenters song (don't you remeber you told me you love me baby?)
Cat Stevens
Highway Star, Smoke on the water
Hello (is it me your looking for?) - Lionel Ritchie
Wilson Philipps
Van Halen

and a whole lot more.....

At 12:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey you fools when are you going to air the 4th episode? c'mon man, i've been waiting for that episode, don't be lazy and hurry up! the show must go on... right?

your avid fan.



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